Archive of Alberta schools with COVID-19 cases for 2020-2021 school year (as reported to SOS via parent letters or media)
198 North Zone |
485 Edmonton |
197 Central |
526 Calgary |
120 South |
* Total schools reporting positive cases of COVID-19 from August 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
- All cases listed are verified through best available means: sourced from reputable media report, or supported by best available documentation of official communication from the school administration, school authorities, or Alberta Health Services.
- Wording variations: "case confirmed, individual diagnosed, etc" may occur because of direct quote or close paraphrasing from the original communications so as not to introduce interpretation bias in these listings.
- SOS volunteers are working diligently to report the best available information for the sake of public interest. Reports are rapidly evolving, and we try to update to the best of our ability.